Meet the TunaPacific contributors
TunaPacific is the news hub of the Global Environment Facility’s Pacific Oceanic Fisheries Management Project (OFMP3), currently in its third phase. It’s populated by Pacific journalists, editors and fisheries communicators, with its core group being FFA Media Fellows who have developed an interest in following the Pacific tuna story.
If you would like to become a contributor, contact a contributor to share your Pacific fisheries story, or to submit a story directly, please contact Website Editor and Content Manager Peter Griffin, at

Iliesa Tora
Iliesa Tora is a senior journalist for RNZ based in Wellington, New Zealand and covering issues across the Pacific. He has extensive media experience across print publications and broadcast outlets.

Fatu Tauafiafi
Based in Wellington where he operates his Pacific Guardians news hub as well as his media consultancy work, Lealaiauloto Aigaletaulealea Fatu Tauafiafi, or Fatu for short, is from Samoa. He is a former regional communication head for SPREP, and founding publisher of the former Tapu Magazine.

Ronald Toito'ona
Ronald F. Toito’ona is a communications specialist and freelance journalist from Solomon Islands. He has a special interest in reporting on fisheries and climate change issues in the Pacific region.
TunaPacific contributors aim to tell the Pacific fisheries management story through their work as journalists. They aim to :
improve understanding and awareness of the challenges and opportunities facing the Pacific small island developing states (Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Niue, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, and Vanuatu) in managing oceanic fisheries.

The TunaPacific news and information hub, is part of the Global Environment Fund’s third Oceanic Fisheries Management Project (OFMP3).
The Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA) is implementing OFMP3, assisted by the Pacific Community (SPC) and with UNDP and GEF support.