Our Partners
FFA works with other regional organisations to deliver OFMP. FFA facilitates regional cooperation of the 17 countries that are its members. It was established in 1979 to help its members to sustainably manage the fishery resources inside their 200-mile exclusive economic zones (EEZs). FFA provides technical assistance and expert advice to members.
FFA commissioned two studies that guided the development of OFMP3. They are the Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis and the Strategic Action Programme (SAP), which shows how the problems raised in the TDA will be resolved.
The SIDS and FFA collaborate in decision-making in the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC). The commission sets region-wide rules for all aspects of industrial fishing for tuna and other species. The region it governs is defined in the western and central Pacific fisheries convention.
The Pacific Community (SPC) contributes scientific and technical research and knowledge that supports the development of the SIDS. It also takes part in WCPFC committees. The most important areas of its work for the tuna fisheries are research on tuna biology and behaviour, the needs of healthy ecosystems, and climate change.
The 8 countries that signed the Parties to the Nauru Agreement (PNA) control the worlds largest sustainable tuna purse-seine fishery. All 8 countries are SIDS, and are members of FFA. The PNA focuses on sustainably managing tuna fisheries through the Vessel Day Schemes for purse-seine and longline fishing. The schemes limit the number of fishing days each year, and operators pay a fee to fish in the waters of member countries. The fees contribute to regional economic development.

Other project partners
Others that will be involved in OFMP3 are:
- fisher families, who are developing the domestic fishery in the region
- Pacific Islands Tuna Industry Association (PITIA), which promotes the development of the private sector in the regions fisheries
- World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Pacific, which has long been involved in conservation of Pacific species and environments, and is a voice at WCPFC discussions and other regional forums.
The project partners will also work with the following organisations, many of which we have worked with for years on different projects: