Results for "sharks"

Ecosystems and Climate

Ecosystems and Climate - Protecting the changing environment Climate change is transforming the ocean environment and the behaviour of tuna and other animals. The countries of the WCPO use science...


Bycatch - Conserving marine diversity   Tuna fishing affects animals such as sharks, turtles, whales, dolphins, seabirds, and young tuna. The countries of the WCPO manage fishing practices to...

Catch and Harvest

Catch and harvest - Managing fishing methods The countries of the WCPO regulate the methods used to catch tuna and other highly migratory oceanic fish so that populations can be kept at...

Transhipment challenges in the WCPO

Transhipment challenges in the WCPO

Not many Pacific Island women work on fishing vessels, but a young Fijian woman has found a way to support the work of fishers such as her brother and cousins so they can continue to make a living...